Loco'sinclude animated cab crew, cab views, animated coal loading and user configurable lamp headcodes. Liveries may be selected from LNER green/BR early/BR late.
The pack will contain 3 LNWR/LMS/BR 7F locos amd temders, animated drivers & firemen for $14, including 12 months warranty, fixes and updates. Please state with order which number/livery required (LNWR/LMS/BR early/BR Late) for locos (number/livery will be allocated if not specified). Please add $1 each loco for the FULLY WEATHERED option. Individual one off locos available for $8 each. All prices are in $US.
The cab crew are also animated. Numbers and livery (LNWR/LMS/BR early/BR Late) is user option to be specified. Head and tailcodes are supplied, to be added in Surveyor