. Paulz Trainz<title>Paulz Trainz

P A U L Z ....... T R A I N Z

quality models for TRAINZ enthusiasts you can depend on

GWR 6 Wheel Milk Tanker Transporter and loads

Between 1930 and 1970, these 6 wheel Tankers were used in the Milk Industry up and down the UK. The 6 wheel wagons were heavily modified standard 6 wheel Milk Tank wagons that could transport wheeled road Milk Tankers. There were many different carriers and Companies, here are shown 4 independant companies tankers, and 2 generic (no name) tankers as well as 2 rusty tankers (8 tankers in all). They were used between the country, where the dairy herds were kept, and the large distribution factories in the major towns and cities. At the small dairies and depots, the wagons were unloaded, and the wheeled tanker was hauled by tractor or other suitable towing vehicle, to the farm or small dairy outlet. These were filled with the daily milk output and returned to the small depot where they were re-loaded onto the transporter ready for shipment to the main central distribution. At the central distribution facilities, the wagon loads were removed, or emptied whilst still on the wagons. There TRS2004 and TRS2006 Industry tested and certified vehicles allow you the Trainzer to fully integrate your country farming/dairy businesses with the large distribution facility in most large towns/cities.

The last pics are of the fully weathered additional versions. the scenery road tankers, and the driveable road tankers. You can now fully depict the countrywide Dairy industry from animated cows, towable road tanters, loadable tanker transporters and 6 wheel milk tanks, now you can fully enjoy your Trainz experience from Paulz Trainz.

Click on pic to see larger images

The pack contains 2 different GWR 6 wheel Tanker Transporters, 8 Industry enabled Named 4 wheel Milk tanker loads (Express, CWS, Independant, United as shown above) all different, 8 driveable road tankers and miscellaneous scenery objects including 8 road tankers and dairy signs. All including 12 months warranty, all updates and fixes for $12 US. Add $6 for the rusty fully weathered additions. Individual wagons are $3 each and loads are $1 each.

- to Order, click on the PayPal logo below, and tell us which wagons you require (or all 4 wagons, 16 loads, 12 scenery intems for $18)
- My account reference is paulztrains@gmail.com delivery upon confirmation from PayPal -
Solution Graphics

All images © 2004, 2005, 2006 Paulz Trainz